Is there anything relatively specific that gives you hope for success in the pro-life movement, whether it be history, current people/strategies/results, the people you talk to at work, etc.?

The success of previous historical reform movements gives me hope that abortion will one day be condemned, especially considering the use of photos in these reforms, and how showing hidden injustices forced people to deal with the victims involved. No one wants to be confronted with the truth of abortion and how horrible it is, yet that is exactly how we have and will continue to save pre-born babies lives. It is also encouraging to think of Nicolas Winton and the children he saved during the Holocaust. His actions saved over a thousand children, and it proves that small acts have a big impact on those around us – the seemingly miniscule act of holding up signs with children who have been killed through abortion every day is what will change this country’s opinion on abortion. Small victories pave the way for monumental ones.
What are you looking forward to learning and/or experiencing during your internship?
In this internship, I am excited to be part of a team environment and see peoples lives change, to be able to impact their lives for the better and help them to become completely pro-life. To be able to see babies’ lives be saved. To know that as our team works every day on the streets and experiences hate from those opposing our message, our work is a testament to the truth, and to be able to suffer in this manner for Christ’s sake is a great blessing.
Where does your pro-life conviction come from?
As someone who grew up Roman Catholic, I have held anti-abortion views since I first learned that abortion killed pre-born children. The scientific evidence illustrating that life begins at fertilization and my belief that all life is sacred and valuable have more deeply rooted my passion. Once I knew the truth and that I could make a difference in the abortion debate, I knew I could not remain silent in the face of such great evil. Once you know the truth you cannot become blind to it.
What made you choose CCBR?
Seeing firsthand the effectiveness of the work they do, through personal experience with choice chain and watching people change their minds from just seeing the images.
Who inspires you and why?
St Jacinta Marto, was only 9 years old and yet willing to suffer and die for her faith.
What is your favourite hobby?
Hockey and calligraphy.
What was/is one of your favorite subjects in school and how does that relate to either your current life or to pro-life work?
In high school, my favourite subject was biology, and how the human body functions. I found medical surgery and especially fetal surgery fascinating – to be able to take a child out of the womb, operate on him, and then put him back so he may continue developing is super cool.
What’s one of your favourite quotes?
“The world offers you comfort. But you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.” – Pope Benedict XVI.
What’s one of your favourite Bible verses (or entire books)?
Psalm 51.
Do you wear a watch? Why or why not?
No because I broke mine and then realized it was annoying to know the time all the time.
What’s your favourite food?
Banana bread.