What made you choose CCBR?

I’ve been pro-life all my life because I was raised with the concept that all life is valuable because people are created in God’s image. As a family we support CCBR and once or twice my siblings and I put CCBR flyers under windshield wipers and in public bathrooms. Other than that getting involved personally never crossed my mind. Then a CCBR staff member invited me to the Abortion Awareness Project in Florida. The only reason I said yes was because I couldn’t think of an excuse reasonable enough not to be able to stand up for the rights of the pre-born and a really good friend was also considering doing AAP. That week in Florida ended up being life-changing. I saw how the pro-life movement has room for every personality you can think of. Also introverts with very small comfort zones who don’t like conflict. I also found out that pro-life apologetics are quite simple and I even enjoyed the discussions with pro-choice people. The best part of the week was witnessing people become pro-life after realizing the reality of abortion. By the end of the week I found myself seriously considering fulltime pro-life work. During this internship I hope to discover whether or not that is a realistic idea for me.
What are your hobbies?
My greatest hobby is reading. I also enjoy learning about health and nutrition, cooking, baking, cross-stitching and embroidery. And learning languages for fun.
What is your favourite animal?
Sloths are my absolute favourite animal. Sloths are not lazy like most people think but they are physically incapable of moving fast. They have a territory the size of five soccer fields through which they are constantly traveling. While they are slow they don’t let anything stop or startle them. Be like a sloth! No matter how unimportant or boring your life might seem compared to others, keep working toward your goals and let nothing stop you.
I need help preparing for a debate can CCBR help? I am 14.