I stood on a sidewalk holding a sign. It read, Pregnant? Need Help?
I watched as the crowds hurried by and saw, on our other signs, what abortion does to a pre-born child.
I asked a young woman what she thought of abortion. Without slowing her pace, she said “I just had one last week.”
Every day, three hundred pre-born children are killed in Canada. A staggering number which, we too easily forget, isn’t just a number. That number represents children – children who were killed.
Yesterday, I met the mom of one of those little boys or girls. I almost cried as I watched her walk away. I have cried since. I cried for the mother who lost her greatest gift and for the child who was mourned only by a stranger.
As I think about this child, I see lack. The lack of advocates – we need more people standing up on behalf of these little ones. The lack of time – we’ll never get last week back, we don’t get another chance to save that precious child. The lack of education – Did she know there were resources available and people willing to help? Did she recognize what the abortionist was going to do? Did she know what “her choice” cost?
It’s not that we did nothing. We were on the street last week and the week before. We’ve been out week after week, month after month. Yet somehow, the something we did was not enough. We missed this mother.
We must engage every Canadian on the issue of abortion. Every pro-lifer must recognize their responsibility to help. Every pre- and post-abortive woman must understand the value of their sons and daughters. Every pre-born child must be safe in their mother’s womb.
The hard truth is, it’s too late to prevent that mother from choosing abortion; too late to save her little boy or girl. But it’s not too late to mourn for them. It’s not too late to share truth. It’s not too late to protect others like them.
This is the least we should do.
Another little girl will be killed. She’ll be all alone with no one to advocate for her, no one to protect her.
Another little boy will be killed. No one will mourn. No one will cry. No one will bury his little body.
Unless we act.
We cannot change yesterday but we could change tomorrow.
Thank you for taking action. Thank you for sharing your experience and for committing your time to end the killing.