1. What inspired you to apply for the CCBR summer internship?

I was adopted and born into a non-religious family, and often thought about the fact that I had a much higher chance of being aborted than my Christian friends and family I surround myself with now.
A few years ago I attended the March for Life in Ottawa where it was so touching to see hundreds of like minded pro-lifers standing up for the pre-born. I often wondered if there was more pro life work that I would do one day, and when this internship was brought to my attention, I knew God was calling me to this opportunity.
2. What do you hope to get out of this experience?
I pray that I will become a better pro-life speaker and be able to always have a confident ready answer towards pro-choice arguments. I am there to plant the seeds of truth about abortion, and the Holy Spirit will grow that seed, if it is His will.
🤝 Sponsor our internship and be a part of the change here: https://fundrazr.com/AbortionIsNotEssential.
3. What is your favorite hobby?
My hobbies include playing the piano, babysitting and hanging with my 30 nieces and nephews and volleyball.
4. What’s your most controversial opinion about something mundane?
Eggs should stay on the counter, instead of the fridge (especially if they’re homegrown).
5. What is your secret talent?
Doing laundry Saturday, and possibly folding it the following Saturday.