This summer, over 60 CCBR interns and staff will be bringing the truth about abortion to Canadian streets. Over the next few weeks, we will be introducing you to the courageous men and women on the front lines of the Culture War!
Partner with us financially by supporting our Summer Internship Crowdfunding Campaign!

Margaret – 4-month Ontario Intern
“I believe everyone deserves the right to find what life and love mean to them. The fact that 300 children a day don’t get that opportunity is heartbreaking and something needs to be done about it.
I love talking with people and I love children. I also want to get better at speaking with people about difficult topics. I have a good intentioned heart but sometimes I have trouble getting my message across. I know CCBR would help me with this.”
Mariam – 4-month Alberta Intern
“I believe that if we are given a voice, when so many others don’t have one, it is our obligation to speak up for what’s right. Abortion is violence against the most vulnerable group of people in our current society, and I feel like it is my duty to educate others and be an active part of the movement that is working so hard to stop this violence. We as a society have come to a point where the killing of babies is somehow excused and I am shocked that not more people realize what an abortion actually does. We need to come together as a community to do everything in our power to put an end to abortion and respect life in all of its stages.”
Max – 4-month Ontario Intern
“Pro-life work is very important as it saves lives, and human rights are for all human beings! In a secular society, where abortion is legalized, it is of utmost importance to try and change people’s minds, converting their minds towards truth and reality. Asking questions about abortion allows people to deeply consider the reality of abortion, and bring about consciousness of its evil.”
Meah – 2-month Ontario Intern
“Pro-life work is important to save the lives of innocent babies, and the livelihoods of all those they touch, including families, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, and friends.
It’s important in obeying God’s command to “Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute,”.”
The youngest and most vulnerable humans are denied human rights in this country; they are torn apart and their bodies discarded. Their silent screams can’t be heard, but their broken bodies can be seen. This is why Margaret, Mariam, Max, and Meah are joining our 60+ interns and staff on Canadian streets this summer to make abortion unthinkable and bring and end to the killing of pre-born children. Help us making abortion unthinkable in Canada by donating to CCBR’s Summer Internship Crowdfunding Campaign!