This summer, over 60 CCBR interns and staff will be bringing the truth about abortion to Canadian streets. Over the next few weeks, we will be introducing you to the courageous men and women on the front lines of the Culture War!
Partner with us financially by supporting our Summer Internship Crowdfunding Campaign!

Mikayla – 4-month Ontario Intern
“My inspiration for doing a pro-life internship is because there are people surrounding me that have the belief that a life can be chosen based on the desire of the mother.
This summer I am looking forward to learning pro-life apologetics and doing outreach.”
Rebecca – 4-month Ontario Intern
“Pro-life work is important because so many children are being killed by abortion each day in our country.
Seeing that I can have an impact on our culture inspired me to do the internship this summer.”
Ryan – 4-month Alberta Intern
“Anyone who understands human biology should know that a pre-born child is alive and growing in the womb, and to kill that child by forcibly removing it is a great injustice. Despite this biological fact millions of children have been killed, and more continue to be. Allowing an injustice of this magnitude to continue without resistance demonstrates the loss of conscience in Canada, and Canadians who are consciously aware of this have a moral duty to get involved on some level.”
Over 4 million children have been killed by abortion in Canada. Their silent screams can’t be heard, but their broken bodies can be seen. This is why Mikayla, Rebecca, and Ryan are joining our 60+ interns and staff on Canadian streets this summer to show the truth about abortion using abortion victim photography, and to have conversations to change hearts and minds and save lives. Help us making abortion unthinkable in Canada by donating to CCBR’s Summer Internship Crowdfunding Campaign!