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  • E-transfers: send to (be sure to include name and contact info in note field)
  • Cheque: mail to CCBR, PO Box 98206 Falconridge PO, Calgary, AB, T3J 0K6, Canada
  • For pre-authorized debit or other questions contact us and we’ll call you back

Please note: CCBR is a non-profit organization, but not a registered charity.

In Canada, nearly 300 children are killed by abortion every single day. Their innocent lives are targeted through horrific, violent actions that crush their skulls and tear their limbs. In addition to being left with a trail of dead children, families in Canada are burdened with the physical, emotional, and psychological wounds created by the many-layered trauma of abortion.

For many years, the majority of us have been ignorant of this injustice, indifferent as our tax dollars have funded abortions through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason or no reason at all. As fellow members of the human family, we have a duty to speak on behalf of these innocent children and stand against this violation of their human rights.

CCBR’s educational strategy has proven time and time again that sharing the visual reality of abortion coupled with a compassionate defense of the pro-life worldview reaches the hearts and minds of our fellow Canadians. When we rise up together to share the truth of abortion with our neighbours, minds are changed and lives are saved!

This life-saving, boots-on-the-ground work is only possible through your generous financial support. You make it possible to place materials in hands, bring conversations to doorsteps and street corners, and to shine a light on what is being hidden behind the closed doors of abortion clinics and hospitals across Canada. Will you join us today?

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