Every summer, CCBR interns and staff bring the truth about abortion to Canadian streets, to change hearts and minds and make abortion unthinkable. These are some of the courageous men and women who will be dedicating their summer to save lives this year!

Partner with us financially this summer to enable the valuable work that the interns are doing!
Carmel – BC Return Intern
“The pro-life movement needs individuals who dedicate their time to doing outreach. I’m excited to help the volunteer team grow in Vancouver, giving even more people the opportunity to help put an end to abortion.”
Carolyn – Alberta Return Intern
“Pro-life work is important because over 300 pre-born humans die every day in Canada from abortion. As pro-lifers we must reach every Canadian and educate them on the truth about what abortion is so that we can make abortion unthinkable.”
Chloe B. – Alberta Intern
“We need to stand up for those who can’t. And we can’t just let people kill the babies. If I don’t stand up for them, who will?”
Chloe D. – Alberta & Manitoba Intern
“Being active in the pro-life movement is important because every day in Canada, 300 innocent lives are ended due to abortion, and every day we are silent is allowance for more and more injustice to happen.”
Dante– Alberta Intern
“Part of what convinced me to work with CCBR is that when I look back at the people who were able to stop some great evil but didn’t, I wonder if I will rank among their number. If I know what is right, and do nothing, how can I live with myself?”
Ellie – Alberta Intern
“I’m hoping to change hearts and minds on the topic of abortion, while also developing my own skills and growing my confidence. Ultimately I would love to bring the knowledge and skills I learn back to New Zealand, and use them to support the pro-life movement there.”
Faith – Manitoba Intern
“I’m choosing to spend my summer with CCBR because I really don’t have much knowledge or skills when it comes to talking / dealing with anything abortion related. I want to learn how to have meaningful conversations with pro-choicers and others in a way that does not make them feel like their opinions don’t matter and to make a difference in this broken world.”
Helena – Alberta Intern
“We need to stand up for the innocent and vulnerable. Every human life is created in God’s image which makes it so valuable.”
Jake – Alberta Intern
“I want to participate in something virtuous and something that is bigger than myself. The state of our country currently suggests that having a proper family will be next to impossible. That’s not the kind of society I want my children to inherit. I want to help to build a Christian future.”
Jaxon – Manitoba Intern
“I hope that by advocating for the pre-born I would become more compassionate and grow in charity both towards the pre-born as I truly feel the weight of the evil that seeks to destroy them, and also towards the people whom I shall meet on the street, whose stories I shall hear, and some of whom are very lost and simply need to hear the truth.”
Jerome – Manitoba Intern
“Pro-life work is the work of witnessing to the world on behalf of and for the pre-born. It is a command of God, Who calls his people to “seek justice; correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s case” (Isaiah 1:17). It is, for that reason, of utmost importance.”
Lydia – Alberta Team Leader
“CCBR keeps drawing me back simply because of two things: The first being the need, and the second the community. I am so thankful to be given this chance to come back this summer again and I look forward to having meaningful conversations and building those deep connections with everyone involved.”
Maria – Alberta Return Intern
“Standing up for the pre-born is one of the best things that we can do in this life! Babies in the womb are truly the most innocent and vulnerable in our society and we need to work hard towards changing our society from a culture of death to a culture of life! Pro-life work has saved many human lives and I feel blessed to be working with CCBR this summer!”
Carmel, Carolyn, Chloe B, Chloe D, Dante, Ellie, Faith, Helena, Jake, Jaxon, Jerome, Lydia, and Maria are just a few of the interns and team leaders who are dedicating their summer to making abortion unthinkable in Western Canada. If you would like to help them in the work that they’re doing, you can donate to support CCBR’s Summer Internship!