These are the interns who are joining CCBR this summer to make abortion unthinkable! Every day this summer, they will be changing hearts and minds and saving lives across Western Canada.

Partner with us financially this summer to enable the valuable work that the interns are doing!
Megan – Alberta Intern
“Pro-life work changes peoples hearts and minds on abortion making them realize the horror of what abortion really is. The more hearts changed, the fewer babies are murdered. I am passionate about saving babies, and I am confident our work can make an impact. “
Mitchel – Alberta Intern
“People are created in the image of God making them inherently valuable as His image bearers. This value is eroded by practices like abortion and MAiD which try to make people believe that certain people are less valuable than others. If we do not value human life our society as a whole will collapse.”
Nathalie – Alberta Intern
“We have to be a voice for those who do not have a voice yet. Through this internship I hope to become that voice, and gain more expertise in the pro-life movement! I am looking forward to a summer of building connections, meeting new people, and changing minds!”
Oscar – Alberta & BC Intern
“I believe that all humans deserve human rights, and so saving the pre-born is extremely important to me. I was especially inspired to start fighting for the pre-born because of my love for history. I realized that abortion victims far outnumber the victims of atrocities like the Holocaust and Holodomor, and that stopping abortion is a task of vital historical importance and urgency.”
Pius – Alberta Intern
“Pro-life work is the best work; It combats the most vile crime imaginable, abortion, which has slaughtered millions upon millions of innocent children in the womb. Therefore, since these children cannot speak for themselves it is our duty to speak for them despite all ridicule and persecution.”
Rebekah – Alberta Team Leader
“I am choosing to spend my summer fighting for innocent children as I see the importance and the need to change people’s minds on abortion. I hope that when I take a stand and step up for this issue, I will inspire more people to do the same.”
Shantel – Alberta Intern
“I am choosing to spend the summer standing up for the pre-born because I love helping all people, including the pre-born, and we are also called by God to do everything we can to promote justice in an evil world.”
Tsion – Alberta Intern
“I am choosing to spend my summer standing up for pre-born children because standing up for those who don’t have a voice is one of the most important things I can do with my summer.”
Winter – Alberta Intern
“Pro-life work is important because a whole part of our generation is being unjustly slaughtered. It is our duty to stand up for them since they are unable to do so themselves. I am looking forward to getting out on the streets to talk to people to change minds and hearts… and being counter-cultural.”
Megan, Mitchel, Nathalie, Oscar, Pius, Rebekah, Shantel, Tsion, and Winter are some of the interns and team leaders who are dedicating their summer to bringing the truth about abortion to the public in Western Canada. If you would like to support them in the work that they’re doing, you can donate to support CCBR’s Summer Internship!
Don’t you ever drop your propaganda in my mailbox again or else. My 2 grandchildren saw this shit and it traumatized them. You’re assholes and should be shut down. I will sue your asses to thy kingdom come.
Hi Michelle, I’m sorry to hear that your grandchildren were upset by seeing the postcard. The pictures are definitely very difficult to see, and children are certainly not our target audience. While we agree that children should never have to see pictures like this, I think it is of utmost importance that we ask ourselves, “Are we okay with children being in pictures like this?” The reality is that the pictures are horrible because they show the injustice done to a child, and I hope we can all agree that those children deserve our attention and our action to bring injustice to an end. Would you agree with that?
Good answer!
Keep sharing the truth. Thanks & God bless.
Imagine if we could end abortions. These images should never exist. The idea that each person has the right to infanticide, and the governmental support at all levels, I believe that better fits the dictionary definition of propaganda. Have a lovely Day, God Bless ❤️
I bet every single one of you would use the medical treatment for an ectopic pregnancy. Never, ever,ever come onto my private property with your hyperbolic, anti-Christian, anti-life, anti- “family” values. Absolutely against the grace of God in every way. Comparing it to the holocaust is absolutely disgusting. This isn’t Trump’s america and if you think you can go around talking like this, you are sorely mistaken. You will be judged.
Hi Ruby, you’re right that we would use the medical treatment for an ectopic pregnancy. We support life-saving treatment for women in situations like this 100%. Are you aware that there is more than one method of treatment for an ectopic pregnancy? Our stance in brief, (though I would happy to explain more if you are interested) is that in a life-threatening situation, there are two patients (mother and baby) who both deserve our care and both have the right to life. We oppose any method of intervention that is targeted directly at killing the child, (ie, a direct abortion) but we affirm and support any alternative method that seeks to treat the problem without the goal of the procedure being the death of the child. The good news is that with modern medicine, this is not a choice we have to make anymore – we never need abortion to save women’s lives. Again, happy to explain more if you are interested in talking about this!
I’m also not sure what you mean by “hyperbolic, anti-Christian, anti-life, anti- “family” values.” Could you explain what you mean by this?
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!