Pictures Never Die
Mary Turner’s story died when she died. Mary Turner’s protest died when she died. Mary...
The greatest of these is love
Her story broke my heart. It was one of pain, brokenness, loss, sorrow, loneliness –...
Why I became a CCBR intern
I grew up in a Catholic home, and I have always been pro-life. Even though...
Catching a breath: A reflection on the internship
Over the last four months my alarm was set at 4:00 am—3 hours after my...
When children see dead babies
The question is on Facebook, splashed across the fronts of newspapers, and crackling through on...
Tolerance, abortion, and Africa
We hear it everywhere: “Believe what you want to believe, but don’t force your beliefs...
People Can Surprise Us
Working in the pro-life movement can be discouraging at times. We do experience a lot...
Conversations about abortion can never be a failure
A short while ago, I spoke with a student named Kevin. Last year, Kevin had...
Ignorance is bliss
“There’s no way an embryo looks like that in the first trimester!” “Guys, of course...
Seeing abortion victim photography: An intern testimony
As I sat in one of my high school classes, my teacher told the class...