Abortion Awareness Project: Darkness and Light

It’s an unassuming building on a quiet street; squat and red-bricked, with a short, neat...

When abortion became reality for me

Memories are simultaneously wonderful and strange. At times they come to the fore without having...

Watching the Culture Shift

It’s a cold but sunny morning in Toronto. We set up for “Choice” Chain at...

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Rwandbruindi Enoch: Rwandan Hero

There is often the tendency when writing about heroes of the past and present to...

Telling the truth, even when it’s hard to hear

I was listening to the Bridgehead Radio Show the other day, and something in Jonathon’s...

A Good Friday Reflection

By Jonathon Van Maren For Christians, this weekend is an extraordinarily important and solemn one....

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Speaking from the heart

I felt like I was hitting a wall in my conversation with Danny at the...

Restricting abortion results in higher maternal mortality

In addition to the claim that abortion restrictions do nothing at all to reduce the...

New abortion methods, new word games

When you think of abortion, what comes to mind? Is it tiny, fragile babies, being...

Was the baby alive when he died?

Earlier in March, CTV News published an article about a decision by a judge regarding a man...