Word from the street: Confirm, Educate, Convict, Ask

Two days ago, I was standing across from a high school in Calgary, holding a...

When your friend still has an abortion

It is my sincere hope that you never need to read this. If you are...

Abortion Myths: Does abortion produce adverse psychological effects?

Another pro-choice myth that is widely circulated by pro-choice advocates is that abortion produces no...

Word from the street: When the facts add up and it “just makes sense”

One of the biggest challenges we as activists face when engaging the public in dialogue...

Part II: How do abortion workers react to what they see?

I first heard of “fetus dreams” in university It was an essay published in a...

The Abortion Pill Reversal Process

The pro-abortion crowd greeted the arrival of the Abortion Pill in Canada with shouts of...


Abortion Myths: Is abortion safer than pregnancy and childbirth?

There are countless myths about abortion that are being presented as facts every single day....

Part I: How do abortion workers react to what they see?

“If abortion pictures are so effective,” some people point out, “why don’t abortionists change their...

Canadian nursing student sees prof burst into tears over aborted babies

I was not expecting to be emotional during my usual Friday morning lecture. Most of...

Sperm, Egg, and Embryo: What’s the Difference?

It was about -10° during a recent “Choice” Chain, and I didn’t expect anyone to...