Sperm, Egg, and Embryo: What’s the Difference?
It was about -10° during a recent “Choice” Chain, and I didn’t expect anyone to...
Seeking acceptance: We are not the victims
I don’t see the expression on his face, but I can hear the smugness in...
Showing abortion victim photography is NOT hate speech
The photographic evidence of what abortion does to pre-born children is the most powerful tool...
Joyce Arthur’s victim-blaming—and a Canadian journalist explains free speech
I haven’t always agreed with Tasha Kheiriddin—most notably her past columns on the postcard campaigns...
Abortion Myths: Abortion is a human right
2017 saw what was likely the largest single-day demonstration in recorded American history. Organized in...
Abortion and Women: Pro-Choice Myths
To pro-choice advocates, abortion is a sacred right, freeing women from their bonds of oppression....
Using AVP: How is this a loving approach?
As evidenced by the previous posts in this series, the use of abortion victim photography...
Word from the street: What if her culture shames her?
I was at SAIT, a college in Calgary, Alberta with our team of volunteers and...
Why abortion activists believe ideology trumps science
For years, pro-life activists have been pointing out that the “pro-choice” ideology is a scientifically...
Using AVP: Is showing these images an act of violence?
As I watched the streams of people bursting out of the doors of Toronto’s Union...