The gift of suffering

“Imagine, if you will, a gift … picture it in your mind. It’s not too...

Banning abortion is just science-based public policy

We heard a good deal of blathering from Justin Trudeau and his Liberals during last...

William Wilberforce and the beauty of the abolitionist movement

In the annals of social reform movements, there is one that the pro-life movement has...

Glamour Magazine, the World Health Organization, and a comedian talk about abortion

Abortion has surfaced pretty regularly in the news these days. The World Health Organization, for...

Are children gifts or liabilities?

It’s a storm that’s been brewing in my mind for quite some time, but I...

I’m angry – and encouraged

I have never felt quite so encouraged and inspired, and yet so angry, in my...

Banning abortion in the West

Across most of the Western world, abortion has been legal in some circumstances for several...

Camille Paglia versus the abortion movement

Dishonesty is an almost universal characteristic of abortion activists. Language like “pro-choice,” “reproductive rights,” “clump...

The call for an ethical conversion: seeing the faces of the pre-born

Several years ago, I encountered the ideas of the Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas while I...

Outreach and Slacktivism

Doing pro-life work is hard.  I’m not going to lie.  I often feel tired and...