One easy way to spread the truth about abortion

Some time ago after a pro-life presentation, I swung by the Macs down the street...

Christians have abortions, too

One of the most predominant challenges for pro-life activists has always been a simple one:...

Do restrictions on abortion access really make a difference?

People have said it so often they believe it’s true: restrictive abortion laws don’t actually...

The Top 10 Ways Bill Nye Is Wrong About Abortion

It’s a sad reflection on the scientific knowledge of our culture that the abortion crowd...

The Mainstream Media and Photos of Dead Children

For today, at least, the debate over whether graphic victim photography is effective at raising...

On disagreeing with Michael Coren

It’s official: Michael Coren has gone from parody to parrot. He now writes what everyone...

Killing Isn’t A Solution: A Response to Paola Dragnic

What if someone tells you that abortion allowed her to be a mother? Since this...

When they die too soon

I don’t always know what to do with the question of pre-natal terminal diagnosis. Not...

Stigmatizing abortion

The media has been in an uproar over the last few weeks over the postcards...

When my little brother saw abortion pictures

The popular question, what about children seeing the images, has been addressed in a very concise...