Get a real job

Not too long ago, I joined our interns and some of our staff on a...

Arguments don’t have genitals

“As soon as he grows his own uterus, he can have an opinion.” That was...

Why rapists love abortion

There are very few intelligent arguments in favor of legal abortion, but there are very...

Family Court judge orders medical rape

This story is truly disturbing. According to the Huffington Post UK: “A ‘very damaged’ 13-year-old girl...

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Language Matters: Egg Sellers Are Not Egg “Donors”

When you think of the word “donor,” what comes to mind?  As someone who fundraises...

Justin Trudeau tramples the Charter

Justin Trudeau has been lambasted for being against “choice” when it comes to how new...

Lethal worldviews and the abortion debate

We’d been chatting about our cities, children, and careers while sipping our coffees, when Dr....

A professor’s case for killing

Everything I had heard about my opponent prior to the debate at the University of...

Killing in the human family

In the past month I’ve had the privilege of presenting a case for the pro-life...

An ordinary life

The other day, LifeSiteNews writer Hilary White posted an interesting question: “A question that has...