How “Abolish Human Abortion” Gets History Wrong Again (Part II)

I suppose somewhat predictably, my recent blog post critiquing the history of the group “Abolish...

How “Abolish Human Abortion” Gets History Wrong

Along with many other pro-lifers, I noticed the emergence of a group called “Abolish Human...


Dispatch from the Road

Throughout my childhood, as is typical, I was encouraged to start thinking about my future. ...

Eugenics by another name

“When I was small, I didn’t even know that I was a kid with special...

The crack baby myth

Have you been given this scenario to justify abortion before? “What about a baby whose...

The post-abortive are pre-abortive

33,000: the number of Canadian women having abortions this year who have previously had an abortion. That’s according...

Chiune and Yukiko Sugihara: Heroic Disobedience

In the summer of 1940, Chiune Sugihara was one of the last foreign diplomats remaining...

Counting the Corpses: A Look Inside the World of Abortion Pathology

Editor’s Note: I’ve retained the original spelling and grammar of the posts for accuracy, so...

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Mamie Till: Refusing the Coverup

I knew that I could talk for the rest of my life about what had...

Love and Judgement

“Judge not, that you be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1) CCBR is a non-sectarian organization (after...