Lethal Ethics: Why Should Newborns Live?

“Now I know the full power of evil. It makes ugliness seem beautiful and goodness...

Sophie Scholl: The Girl Who Would Not Be Silent

On February 22, 1943, a 21-year-old girl named Sophie Scholl was beheaded in Munich, Germany,...

David John: A Life Worth Living

Editor’s Note: Often while engaging people in discussions about abortion, we pro-lifers are presented with the...

Abortion: To Recommend or Not to Recommend

In a recent CBC interview by Evan Solomon about the re-opening of the abortion debate, abortion advocate...

P.E.I.’s Abortion Problem: So Much for the Coat Hanger

For weeks now, national news organizations have been breathlessly covering a handful of abortion advocates...

The Movie “180”: What Can We Learn From It?

As I type this, I just finished watching Ray Comfort’s thought-provoking and popular film “180.” ...

Pamela Cook’s Example: An Ethical Response to a Difficult Pregnancy

The powerful story of 30-year-old Pamela Cook is circulating around the internet: When she was 16 weeks pregnant...

Better Dead than Disabled?

In May of 2010, the staff and interns of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform...

According to abortion advocates, graphic images work

One of the most common ways for social movements to judge the success of their...

Education or Indoctrination?

“Don’t let schooling interfere with your education.”  Mark Twain Education has usually been trumpeted by...