Social media debating done right

For the next little while, many of us will be staying at home a lot...

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When arguments get weird

All pro-abortion arguments require a staggering level of cognitive dissonance. After all, for pro-choicers, a...


Pre-born children are persons, too

After reading through parts one and two of STUCK, one might wonder how someone could...

A team effort

In the introduction of STUCK, I explain how this book and the arguments it presents...

The science behind the pro-life position

Part Two of STUCK covers the Human Rights Argument (HRA) in detail. The last blog...

What are the pre-born?

Part One of Stuck: A Complete Guide To Answering Tough Questions About Abortion covers how...

Where do we start in conversations about abortion?

When I sat down with the rest of CCBR’s Communications Department to discuss how we...

Why the book “Stuck”?

As my colleagues and I travelled Ontario to share CCBR’s new apologetics resource STUCK: A...

Abortion pictures bring healing

Bethany: “A lady slowed and looked at the images. She said that it was terrible...

Abortion pictures save lives

Madeleine: “After several very long conversations in the hot sun, I was starving hungry and...