Showing abortion victim photography is NOT hate speech
The photographic evidence of what abortion does to pre-born children is the most powerful tool...
Using AVP: How is this a loving approach?
As evidenced by the previous posts in this series, the use of abortion victim photography...
Using AVP: Is showing these images an act of violence?
As I watched the streams of people bursting out of the doors of Toronto’s Union...
Using AVP: Do the images disrespect the dead?
Many questions have been asked around the use of abortion victim photography (AVP). For example, don’t...
Using AVP: Aren’t the images desensitizing?
One of the questions we are often asked about using abortion victim photography is regarding...
Seeing is Believing: A valuable resource for the pro-life movement
Jonathon Van Maren’s new book explaining the use of abortion victim photography—Seeing is Believing—has been...
What about women who have experienced miscarriage?
“What do you think about abortion?” I asked Catherine as she walked by the sign...
Don’t the images just make people angry?
Excerpted from Chapter 5 of Jonathon Van Maren’s recent book Seeing is Believing: Why Our Culture...
Using AVP: What if children see the images?
It was a nice sunny day, and the contrast couldn’t have been bigger. My boys,...
Using Abortion Victim Photography
The importance of using effective pro-life apologetics is nearly universally acknowledged within the pro-life movement....