Are you passionate for pre-born babies and want to spare them death from abortion? Do you want to do something to achieve that? Are you considering pro-life work as a career and need a discernment opportunity? If you answered “Yes!” to any of these questions, you should consider CCBR’s Administrative Internship program—a life-saving and life-changing experience for you and those you impact!

CCBR’s Administrative Internship is an incredible opportunity to improve your personal skills and help you grow as a leader in the rapidly expanding pro-life movement. By the end of the summer, you will be among the most well-trained and effective pro-life activists in the country. 

There are three main areas of focus during the internship: training, activism, and administrative duties. 

Training is provided by our team of cutting-edge speakers, and will involve not only pro-life apologetics, but also pro-life strategy, leadership, public speaking, conflict resolution, and team building. To supplement the presentations, we will also study various books and documentaries that will develop a holistic understanding of our culture and how we can end the killing of pre-born children.

The second area of focus—activism—will give you an opportunity to develop conversation and engagement skills while having a profound impact on the conscience of our nation. You will work on the front lines in projects such as the postcarding project, the banner project, “Choice” Chain, and more. Our public outreach has already impacted the lives of millions of Canadians, saving many lives and changing countless minds on the issue of abortion.

As an administrative intern, you will take part in all internship training and engage in a portion of the activism. The rest of your time will be spent working alongside our full-time staff in the office, gaining experience in organizational administrative duties. You will not only be a vital part of helping the internship run but you will also gain insight into the behind-the-scenes work that makes frontline activism possible. 

Join our team and make your summer job a life-saving job! Together, we can end the killing of pre-born children in Canada.



Mon, May 5 – Sat, Aug 23, 2025

While the internship will primarily take place from Monday to Friday, some activities will be during evenings and weekends. It’s hard work, but good work!


Toronto, ON

You may apply to the office of your preference but that does not guarantee you will be placed there. We will provide assistance in finding housing for the summer.


The internship position is salaried with payment received on a bi-weekly basis. Your total salary for the summer will be $10,400. You are responsible to fundraise $5,000 of that amount (before the internship begins).


March 15, 2025

Questions? Contact us.


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