Part II: How do abortion workers react to what they see?
I first heard of “fetus dreams” in university It was an essay published in a...
Part I: How do abortion workers react to what they see?
“If abortion pictures are so effective,” some people point out, “why don’t abortionists change their...
Using AVP: Aren’t the images desensitizing?
One of the questions we are often asked about using abortion victim photography is regarding...
Killing in the human family
In the past month I’ve had the privilege of presenting a case for the pro-life...
Abortionist Garson Romalis: A Personal Reflection
Another infamous Canadian abortionist has died. The Vancouver Province reported that Dr. Garson Romalis died from illness...
Killing won’t solve anything
In his column “Who’s to blame for George Tiller’s murder” (June 2), Colby Cosh is...