Five Faces in the Fight Against Abortion

A baby girl stared at me from across the street with lifeless eyes. For a...


Rwandbruindi Enoch: Rwandan Hero

There is often the tendency when writing about heroes of the past and present to...

5 reasons why you should NOT intern for CCBR

I had the opportunity to participate in a 4-month internship this past summer with CCBR....

A New Year’s Challenge

As we enter 2018, most people are making New Year’s Resolutions. For some, it’ll be...

A Christmas Message

It would be almost impossible to miss the fact that our culture celebrates a major...

A loonie and a dime

After a summer away as I helped with internship logistics, I returned to my administrator’s...

Outreach and Slacktivism

Doing pro-life work is hard.  I’m not going to lie.  I often feel tired and...

Chiune and Yukiko Sugihara: Heroic Disobedience

In the summer of 1940, Chiune Sugihara was one of the last foreign diplomats remaining...

Mamie Till: Refusing the Coverup

I knew that I could talk for the rest of my life about what had...

Albert Goering: The Brother Who Fought the Nazis

The name “Goering” instantly brings to mind the unarguably evil and grotesquely overweight Hermann Goering,...