Meet the Interns! (Part 12)
This summer, over 60 CCBR interns and staff are bringing the truth about abortion to...
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What is Right Can Never be Impossible
It was a sunny day, and I opted to stand in the shade. A young...
The Tragedy of The Unborn – Don’t Forget to Cry
They had never sobbed so hard. Several had even thrown up. They couldn’t help it,...
Are human rights for all humans?
Alex had stopped, curious at our images and at my question— “What do you think...
Canadian nursing student sees prof burst into tears over aborted babies
I was not expecting to be emotional during my usual Friday morning lecture. Most of...
Abortion Myths: Abortion is a human right
2017 saw what was likely the largest single-day demonstration in recorded American history. Organized in...
Word from the street: Managing a Crowd
“Why are you in front of a high school, this is messed up!” “Girls here...
Healing an open wound
Every conversation about abortion is at the same time a conversation about human rights. Human...
When the UN enshrines abortion rights: Fighting back
Seven years ago I travelled to New York with two friends to attend the Commission...
I’m angry – and encouraged
I have never felt quite so encouraged and inspired, and yet so angry, in my...